Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Roommate Freak-Out of The Day

I've had a long day and little sleep to come home tonight to a roommate whining about being unable to sleep because the cat comes into her room. (By the way, I decided to take a nap in early evening only to be woken up by her cello playing so yeah.) I can understand if the cat is wailing and meowing that it would be disruptive but walking? I know she doesn't want the cat in her bedroom (reasonable), and I understand she needs her door open to enjoy the air conditioning (also perfectly normal), but what can I do? She wants me to constantly watch the cat, which I can't do. Cats are quiet so how am I to know what she is up to, and I'm not going to close my bedroom door to keep the cat in. I need AC too! Now, she thinks I should get a child proof fence so the cat can't go into her room, which is probably not a bad idea, but then, she shot down her own idea because she will have to take off the barrier every time she needs to get out of her room. Sigh. I can't wait to move to a place where a cat walking around is not a crime.

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Blogger Bee said...

ummm, can't cats jump over barriers? We could never stop Greenlee from doing anything. Cats are independent creatures, they do as they please.

You should send a 20 page thesis on how BIATCHY your roomate is to one of the three credit bureau so that she will never be able to rent another apartment ever again!! bwahahaha!

June 1, 2006 at 2:42 a.m.  
Blogger hello jamie: said...

seriously. she is a piece of work. tell her to get a window unit, shut her door, and shut the **** up.

June 1, 2006 at 2:06 p.m.  
Blogger Gina said...

We hates her precious.


June 1, 2006 at 10:02 p.m.  

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