Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thursday Morning Blitz

Data analysis has picked up so I'm in a good mood today. I'm feeling physically tired because I've run/walked quite a bit in the last 2 days, but it feels nice. Plus, my parents are coming on Saturday so it will be nice to see them.

I got my invitation to a friend's wedding yesterday. I had been all excited about going but now that I'm looking at things such as the price of the plane ticket (it would be a 12-hour drive and I'm not sure I want to have to drive 12 hours and back in the span of 2 days) and hotel, I'm just not sure I can spare the expense. Plus, life is crazy busy this summer. On the other hand, I think it would be a shame if I missed out on this. I'm so happy she is getting married. I have to RSVP (which comes from the French "Réservez, s'il vous plaît.", meaning "Reserve, please.") by July 5th so I'll think about it.

In random news, it looks like
Keanu Reeves wants to get married and have kids. I'll gladly volunteer for that job. ;)

Besides that, we are having fun here
dealing with potential terrorism. It's not a surprise that sooner or later, that was going to happen. I'm glad our police and secret services have done a good job, although to think we are out in the clear would certainly be wishful thinking. I guess I'm not overly worried about it, because I think it is pointless to worry about something we have such little control over. I can only hope all these good people out there protecting us continue to do their job so efficiently.

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Blogger Gina said...

I have been thinking of you with all that international news.

lmao at the Keanu thing. Hee.

That is hard about the wedding. Could your family "float" you for this special event if that makes it more doable?

June 9, 2006 at 2:22 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know you data anyalysis picked up a little this week. I hope you're still riding that wave!You deserve some good news in your life!

So sorry you might not be able to make it to the Sault. I'm guessing that's it, cause nothing else is that far away. Bummer. I know how much you were looking forward to it.

BTW, don't mean to be a pain, but I believe RSVP actually stands for répondez s'il vous plaît.

Glad to know your folks are coming to see you. I hope you have a nice visit with them.

June 9, 2006 at 10:51 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Hey Evie, my dear. I have known RSVP all wrong all those years. I'm dismayed.

Yeah, it is the Sault. The plane ticket is 400$ (I don't really have time for the 24-hour roundtrip there because that weekend is sandwiched in my teaching), plus one night at least at the hotel (the wedding is at the Holiday Inn which is like 120$/night), plus having to rent a car to get to move myself around. In addition, there's the wedding gift. It will easily cost me 700-800$ in total, which is an expensive weekend seeing as I don't exactly have extra money floating in my bank account right now. It sucks, but I think it would be stupid of me to go, and then, angst over money all summer. Anyway, I am going to think about it, but I don't really want to borrow money from my parents for it. This is the kind of stuff that gets my dad all worried.

June 10, 2006 at 3:27 a.m.  

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