Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We Have Come A Long Way...

Someone passed along a link to these ads. It's just mind boggling to look at used to be acceptable not that long ago...

15 (very) sexist ads that may leave you as speechless as I am

12 vintage ads that are just plain disturbing


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Love Me Some TV

I bought DVDs of the first season of Chuck and Andy Richter Controls The Universe. Even though the first season of Chuck was only last year, I had already forgotten a lot of what was going on back then. It's such a rewatchable show. I'm so glad it's been renewed for a third season, thanks to fan efforts.

Andy Richter Controls The Universe is a series that aired back in 2002. I remembered finding it very funny, but it got cancelled fairly quickly like most innovative and smart shows seem to. Anyway, I highly recommend it. I'm sure I'll be rewatching those DVDs often.

Finally, I was looking at my livejournal page, and all the keywords I had entered as interests. I think it describes me pretty well:

Aging, arrested development, books, cheers, chocolate, chuck, coffee, cooking, crosswords, dictionaries, french, grammar, montreal, monty python, movies, musicals, neuroscience, newsradio, non fiction, photography, politics, pride & prejudice, psychology, science, statistics, sudoku, teaching, technology, the colbert report, the daily show, the human brain, the office, the office fanfic, the x-files, toronto, writing

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Saturday, May 09, 2009

Farmers' Market

Earlier this week, I discovered that there is a farmers' market on Saturday morning from 9 am to 12 pm close to my place. There's nothing I like quite so much to buy local products. So I got up early this morning, wanting to go. It was a beautiful day when I woke up. Now that I'm ready to go because the market just opened? The sky is dark as ink, thunder and lightening are raging, and it's pouring buckets of rain. Bah. I guess I'll have to try again next weekend!

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Monday, May 04, 2009

Kitty Is Going On A Diet

This is my cat:

She is a happy cat, but lately, her backside has been sore. She didn't seem to groom her backside as well either. I took her to the vet, and it cost me 400$ to find out that:

1) Kitty might be developing arthritis, and she needs shots.

2) She should lose weight. Putting her on a diet is going to be huge fun given that when the food is low in her bowl, she has no qualms about waking me up in the middle of the night for it.

3) Her fur was indeed somewhat matted in the bum area so the vet thought it'd be a good idea to shave her. So poor kid now looks like this:

She was apparently good when they were shaving her, but she looks a bit silly with her short black and white fur. It's a little cow-like. LOL


Saturday, May 02, 2009

TV & Movies

I was thinking of rounding up a list of cultural endeavours I loved in the last few months. You might know I love old movies so there are a few of that. I'll stick with recommendations.

TV Series

1) Chuck: Of all the new series from last season, this is my favourite. I lost my other love, Pushing Daisies. I cannot say enough good things about it. It's got comedy, spy action, and romance. I love the characters. It's perfect TV fluff. I really hope NBC doesn't cancel it!

2) Breaking Bad: Such a dark series about a chemistry teacher who learns he has 18 months to live after being diagnosed with cancer. To leave money for his family, he joins forces with a younger guy to make crystal meth. So it's a totally crazy premise, but the characters are flawed and interesting, and you just want to know what will happen next. It's a series by Vince Gilligan, who was my favourite writer on The X-Files.

3) Being Erica: I've talked about it before, but I was totally sucked into this dramedy about a 30-something girl who lives in Toronto. The season finale really makes me die to see how it continues.

I also really enjoyed two BBC miniseries I watched: Cranford and State of Play.


1) Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? What a fantastic movie! It's a creepy thriller, and Bette Davis and Joan Crawford are both great. That movie had me on the edge of my seat.

2) Vertigo:. I had a Jimmy Stewart double bill a few weeks ago: The Philadelphia Story, which I love, and a movie I had never seen, Vertigo. I don't know that I was totally sucked into the movie, but I can definitely see why it's been so influential in terms of film making. It's definitely very interesting as far as how it is shot. And the plot has lots of twists and turns.

3) Sunshine Cleaning: I saw this movie last weekend. It's the story of two sisters who start their own crime scene cleaning business to try to rise up above in their situations. It's a quiet little film about the struggles of life. It just touched some cords in me. Made me cry like a little girl.

Other mentions: Loved Rachel Get Married. It was my favourite Oscar season movie along with Milk. I saw Monsters vs. Aliens in IMAX 3D. That was just a whole lot of fun. On the more serious side, Waltz with Bashir, a movie about the Shatila Massacre in the 1982 Lebanon War, is very poignant.

I have a few old school movies lined up in the next few days: 1) Hitchcock's Rope, which I have seen before but is just a great movie, 2) To Have or Have Not, a Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall movie, and 3) Fellini's 8 1/2.

I'll be back tomorrow with my favourite books that I've read lately.

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