Monday, March 05, 2007

Manic Monday

Actually, these days the whole week is crazy. Although I was at a conference yesterday, as am I today and tomorrow. It's a nice change of pace. Things are winding down though overall, which is much appreciated. I've been going to bed early (well, my early which means like 10:30!) and catching up on sleep. My really demanding rotation of my internship is done, and I'm now moving to the therapy rotation, which is much less intensive and doesn't require extra work nights and weekends. That means more time to work on my dissertation, thank God, so I can try to make progress on that bad boy. I'm juggling a lot of balls in the air at the moment, but I feel good. I just feel a sense of self-efficacy, probably because in the last 2 weeks, I've succeded in writing and giving a one-hour seminar, write up and edit six reports, tutor more than my usual night of tutoring, prepare for a dissertation meeting with my supervisor, read up on my new rotation, and keep up with my usual load of patients (with all the prep, patient face time, and post work it requires). I'm pretty proud of myself. Anyway, you'll now get to hear me spout cognitive-behavioural therapy theory for the next six months. Hee.

Other good news, I got the results from my course evaluation from the class I taught last summer, and the students liked me a lot. That's always nice to hear!

Yesterday, I watched the documentary Wordplayall about crossword puzzles. It was quite enjoyable to watch, and now, all I want to do are crosswords! My mom and my grandma both love crosswords so I grew up in that environment. (In the French language, we even have a word for it. The word "cruciverbiste" describes people who like to do crossword puzzles.) I've always enjoyed word-based and reasoning-type of puzzles so crosswords are no exception. Now, I can even do crosswords in English, which is pretty sweet, although I can't do the really tough ones since I don't always have all the necessary cultural knowledge for it. Anyway, I need to find myself a book of crosswords or pick up the paper today or get crosswords somehow... LOL

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Blogger hello jamie: said...

There is nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment, Gennykins, and it is one you can only give yourself, and there are never any shortcuts. I'm very proud of you and I know you are feeling great about all your hard work!!

I'm interested in your CBT stuff, so spout away.

And, Wordplay is on my queue, as well. I'm glad to know you liked it.

My word verification word is "xxmcas"- a poorly spelled new multi-traditional winter holiday??? Hmmmm~

March 5, 2007 at 9:13 a.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Yeah, it is good to feel you are heading somewhere. Really, it is not even sometimes so much about effort so much as feeling you are doing something that matters. Then, it is effortless even if you put in a lot of time.

Oh, and I sure will take all about CBT then. ;)

Wordplay is not a groundbreaking documentary or anything, but I thought it was fun to watch, which is all you can reasonably hope for. :)

March 8, 2007 at 6:40 a.m.  
Blogger Shannon Morgan said...

Congrats on all your good developments! It's nice to know the work you're doing is paying off.

Wordplay was fun! If you watched it on DVD, there are crosswords on the disk that you can print off (it's an enhanced DVD that works on PCs, too - although I don't know if the format works in Cananda?).

March 8, 2007 at 11:52 p.m.  

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