Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter Everyone!

Belated wishes, but nevertheless... I came back from Montreal late last night. My day has been a lovefest with the cat, who won't let me leave her sight and who is purring at the lightest touch. I think she wants to make sure I'll never leave her again.

Life is going okay. I took a few days off of work, but I'm getting back in the saddle tomorrow. I feel a little more rested, but I had so much to do; it didn't feel like too much of a vacation. But as I've said many times, as soon as I graduate, I am going backpacking somewhere far away from here for a while. I have a definite need for escape.

My internship is going well though. I still have a lot to learn, and some parts of it have been though, but I enjoy doing therapy even though I am still trying to find my bearings. It's just a lot of readings and practicing what interactions with clients need to look like. It gets me all anxious, as novelty usually does, but amidst the constructive criticism, I have also gotten some positive feedback on my general performance, which is nice. I have been told though by my supervisors that I have very good clinical skills and that my greatest strengths are being able to work with a variety of clients, being patient, explaining complex things in a palatable fashion, and making remarks in a non-threatening fashion. I must say that last one did make me snicker a bit, since if you were to ask my family, they would say that being diplomatic is not always my strong suit with them.

Speaking of my family, why is it that every time I go home, I feel like I am reverting a little bit to my 15-year-old self? I wasn't overly fond of her in the first place! It's as if I forget that my parents know exactly what buttons to push to get me irked or that there are all these little things I really don't miss about living with them like criticizing what time I go to bed at or what I eat or what my skin looks like. Yes, mom, I have an eczema outbreak on my cheeks; thanks, I hadn't noticed! I know they mean well. I do love them. I just wish I got better at handling it, and that it didn't bug me so much. Although if you ask them, they could tell you that I'm overly sensitive. ;)

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Blogger Gina said...

Hi sweetie. Welcome back to reality, I hope it goes smoothly. It was fun to read a post from you. :)

Miss you xoxo

April 11, 2007 at 8:02 a.m.  
Blogger Shannon Morgan said...

Glad your internship's going well - sounds like you're getting good, useful feedback.

For backpacking, I can recommend New Zealand and Thailand - beautiful + cheap! Other places are just as nice (Canada!, Europe, U.S.), but more expensive. Some of our adventures are on my Nomads blog.

Good to see you post!

April 11, 2007 at 1:05 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Hey G! Yeah, I just realized I had abandoned my blog for a bit. There is something about thesis stress that makes me want to vent! Hee.

Hi Shan! Thanks for the tip. I know you've travelled tons! One of my friends from grad school is a Kiwi so I certainly have considered going to NZ/South Pacific if I get the chance. I'm sure I'd love it. I've always wanted to travel more to Europe (only been to Italy) so that is certainly what I hope to do. :)

April 11, 2007 at 4:06 p.m.  

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