Friday, April 20, 2007

Starbucks PR! Plus, Rules of Conduct Apply to You Too!

I used to be a Starbucks fan in my early years of grad school. In the last 4 years though, I rarely ever go to Starbucks since Second Cup coffee agrees more with my stomach and is closer to my house. However, by unusual circumstances, I ended up at Starbucks twice this week. I was walking from a meeting on Tuesday night and needed a little pick me up. The barrista was having a hellish time with the order of the previous customer so I ended up waiting about 10 minutes for my coffee. I wasn't in a rush though so I didn't really mind. But the barista felt bad so my coffee was on the house. I thought, "Nice." First comped Starbucks coffee ever. Tonight, I went to a totally different Starbucks near the hospital, because I needed a little fuel (Cinnamon Dolce Latte, to be precise) to finish my reports and it was 6 pm and everything was closed at the hospital. Anyway, again, I was waiting for my coffee, but the barista forgot about me, and it took a bit of time to get my coffee. But who cares, it is Friday night, and I am not in a rush. Nevertheless, he gave me a coupon for a free coffee. Is this a new policy at Starbucks thought up by the PR department? Or do I unconsciously put on a bitch face when I have to wait for a cup of coffee? LOL Although I guess the fact that you pay 4$ for a latte should probably buy some efficiency in the process of obtaining your coffee. But I will say that it is ironic that I never got free coffee when I was truly in a rush in the morning and I was actually genuinely annoyed at having to wait.

Speaking of being annoyed, as you may know, I help manage a fanfic archive in the Office fandom. Most of the community is great, but as always when you work with people, there are some who are a bit more difficult to deal with. Today, one of them decided to post a story that she knew was against the rules. It is not like she is a newbie who is unaware of the rules; she even acknowledged in her summary that she knew it was venturing in that territory that we don't allow. So I emailed her about it, saying I had deleted the story and explaining why. She actually replied back, acting all surprised and trying to challenge me on it!! I had started my email with "You probably know what I am going to say about story x", and she had the guts to reply "No, I don't read minds." Then, after arguing certain points with me, her defense was that she had no intention of offending anyone. I am not offended; I am annoyed. Because somehow, I actually don't enjoy feeling like I am talking to walls, and having to play bad cop with grown-ups who should know better. Shocking, I know. Why do some people disregard simple rules & then act surprised when people call them on it? Actions have consequences. What a concept.

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Blogger Shannon Morgan said...

Nice freebies. And sorry for your fic experience this morning - the rules are simple - and easy to find - I don't get it.

April 21, 2007 at 1:08 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get free coffee all the time. Apparently I have a talent for either ordering the invisible coffee cups or choosing the least competent barista in the joint.

It sucks that people have to make your job harder. But we all appreciate your work!!!

-Paper Jam

April 21, 2007 at 6:50 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Well, Shan, three guesses as to whom was getting in trouble? I'm sure you got it! Some things never change... By the way, I'll try to read Hope this weekend.

Thanks PJ. That is too bad about your lack of luck with coffee places. I have always had luck (mostly). I know most people appreciate MTT, which is why I'm happy to continue working on it. We have few troublemakers in the grand scheme of things.

April 21, 2007 at 9:04 p.m.  
Blogger Bee said...

Ay, you have reminded me of some X-Files Fanfic I should re-read. =D I miss the message board drama. ; )

April 23, 2007 at 12:59 p.m.  
Blogger Gina said...

I've gotten free coupons and coffee too, so it must be encouraged. Seriously they make so much money what's a latte in the grand scheme?

April 23, 2007 at 1:10 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Bee! So nice to see you. :) You wouldn't believe the number of fanfic readers and writers in the Office fandom who were in The X-Files fandom. We have been reminiscing about all the Mulder/Scully fanfic (and smut!) we read. Good times.

Gina, I agree they make so much money selling lattes, but I figure they must have had people complaining about customer service or they've noticed some issues in terms of lack of growth. That's the only reason I can think of to have all of a sudden become more sensitive to customer service issues since companies never do this out of the goodness of their hearts!

April 23, 2007 at 10:04 p.m.  

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