Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just a Little Announcement

So I got the internship I wanted! Yay!!! It also means I need to get a lot of stuff done by September to be able to start said internship, which is frightening. Just wanted to say that I am going to be blogging very little for the next few weeks/months. The dissertation pressure kicking up a notch or two or twenty is all I can handle. As much as I needed a kick in the butt, for those who remember the last few months of my Masters, it's also not too much fun. LOL Anyway, I'll try to post stuff every so often but I'll see. Emails will be greatly appreciated, and will be answered promptly. Write to me even if only to tell me silly stories or send me virtual hugs. I'll need them.
As a parting gift ;), here is one of my favourite jokes. It's a mindless joke from one of my favourite French-speaking comic who used to do these really deep monologues but would make silly jokes like that from time to time. I'm not a great joketeller but I think it translates fairly well so enjoy. :)
On a cold autumn afternoon, a guy who was walking on a country road found a little bird on the side of the road. The poor bird was really cold, and appeared dead. The guy picked up the bird, and heard a faint heartbeat. So the guy decided to try warming up the bird by rubbing it between his hands. After a few minutes, the guy saw that it didn't seem work. He then saw some fresh horse dung close by. He figured that this might work in warming up the bird. So he put the little bird in the dung, and after a few moments, the bird appeared to come back to life. The bird was gaining back his strength and started chirping away. A cat that was walking by heard the bird singing. The cat took the bird out of the dung, and ate it.

There are 3 morals to this story.
1) When someone puts you in shit, it is not always done with evil intent.
2) When someone helps you out of shit, it is not always for your own good.
3) When you're in shit, SHUT UP!
Love you all!

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Blogger hello jamie: said...


Don't LEAVE US!!!!

*flings self to ground, sobbing*

March 2, 2006 at 10:22 a.m.  
Blogger Gina said...

LOL @ the joke. I think the best advice is to shut the hell up when you're up to your ears in shit. Hee.

I remember the last months of your Masters Gen, I can't believe it. Yikes. I will send you many e-mails, I promise. Everyday. (I almost typed pormise!)

March 2, 2006 at 11:44 a.m.  
Blogger Bee said...

The sheee joke reminded me of a scene from the show "Trailer Park Boys"

"Pot and Cops don't mix. Just like shit and strawberry shortcake"


I'll be sending you emails your way chica! =D Buena Suerte

March 2, 2006 at 12:14 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Thank you, ladies! I appreciate all the support and the cheering for me. That helps me keep going. :)

March 2, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.  

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