Saturday, October 07, 2006

My Brother Cracks Me Up...

I was chatting with my brother a little earlier. He is going to a wedding tomorrow, and I was talking about how 2 couples I know got engaged recently/are getting engaged, both of which were really pleasant surprises to me. He was saying how surprising it would be if he were to announce he's getting engaged since he doesn't have a girlfriend. Hee. Ditto for me, I said. We were then talking about dating, and my brother, who never fails to crack me up, had an awesome line that had to be written down for posterity.

"We're like rock stars. (My brother was referring to the fact that he is studying to be an orthodontist.) Okay, maybe not rock stars, but you know, it is very hard to get into and they only take the very best students so the dentistry students are impressed by us. I think I need to use that to go flirt with the girls in dentistry." He just was so deadpan saying it, it was hilarious. So now you know. Orthodontists are the rock stars of the dentistry world! Hee.



Blogger Gina said...

That is just so geekily hilarious. :p

Speaking of geekiness, the front cover of Boston Magazine has been making me think of you whenever I am in the grocery store There's a huge brain on the cover and the story is how smart a city we have... Hee.

October 10, 2006 at 7:15 p.m.  

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