Sunday, September 10, 2006

One of Those Memes That Takes Over The Internet!

Things You Might Not Know About Me

1) What's your middle name? I don't have one.
2) How big is your bed? Double
3) What are you listening to right now? The sounds of cars driving down the street.
4) What are the last 4 digits in your cell phone number? Don't have a cell.
5) What was the last thing you ate? Coffee & Ritz crackers. I need food. LOL
6) Last person you hugged? How sad is it that I don't remember?
7) How is the weather right now? Cool but sunny
8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom this morning.
9) What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? Height and smile.
10) Favorite type of food? Lots. Thai and Mexican probably.
11) Do you want children? You bet.
12) Do you drink? Yep, occasionally.
13) Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? No.
14) Hair color? Brown.
15) Eye color? Greenish-brown
16) Do you wear contacts/glasses? Yes.
17) Favorite holiday? Hands down, Christmas.
18) Favorite Season? Fall.
19) Have you ever cried over a girl/boy? Ugh, yes.
20) Last movie you watched? 13 Going On 30 on TV last night.
21) What books are you reading? I was reading "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men", but I had to return it to the library before I was finished with it. Otherwise, mostly work stuff.
22) Piercings? Just my ears.
23) Favorite Movie? Too many to name. Top 5 (which changes all the time): Roman Holidays, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, When Harry Met Sally, Dirty Dancing, and This Is Spinal Tap.
24) Favorite college football team? Pass.
25) What were you doing before filling this out? I was on the phone with my mom.
26) Any pets? Yes, a cat.
27) Dogs or cats? Cats
28) Favorite Flower? Daisies
29) Have you ever loved someone? I love people, but been truly crazy in love? Not really.
30) Who would you like to see right now? All my friends and family back home.
31) Have you ever fired a gun? No. I'm so clumsy, I'd be a public menace with a gun!
32) Do you like to travel by plane? I do.
33) Right-handed or Left-handed? Left-handed.
34) If you could go to any place right now where would you go? Home or somewhere in Europe.
35) Are you missing someone? Yeah, I do miss home and the people there.
36) Do you have a tattoo? Nope.
37) Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? I watch cartoons, but not on Saturday mornings! Hee.
38) Are you hiding something from someone? Aren't we always not 100% truthful with someone somewhere?
39) Are you 18? Not so much.
40) What is the wallpaper on your cellphone? Dude, I told you. I don't have a cellphone.
41) Did you get enough sleep last night? Didn't sleep much, but I'm not tired.
42) First thing you thought about this morning? Coffee as always! LOL And strangely I had a craving for hashbrowns, which I haven't eaten in years. Weird.
43) What do you have handy at your bedside? My lamp and the case for my glasses.
44) Grilled or fried? Grilled.
45) What makes you unique? My me-ness. LOL
46) Are you afraid of the dark? Not afraid, but not necessarily crazy about it either.
47) Favourite hangout? My apartment. Or coffee shops.
48) 3 things you can't live without? Besides the people I love? Coffee, my laptop, and books.
49) Favourite song? Wow, one? That is tough. My Top 5: "All You Need is Love" by The Beatles, "Like A Prayer" by Madonna, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2, "Tupelo Honey" by Van Morrison, and "Terms (Path of Thorns)" by Sarah McLachlan.
50) What are you afraid of? Fire although that has gotten better with age.
51) Are you a giver or a taker? I am more of a giver than a taker.
52) What are your nicknames? Gen and Geny.
53) What is your dad's middle name? He doesn't have one.
54) What is your mother's middle name
? Ditto.
55) Stuck on a desert island with only one thing, what would it be? My iPod or my laptop. It would pass the time.
56) Favourite TV commercials? I love infomercials.
57) First thing you'd save in a fire? My cat.
58) What's your favorite color? Purple.
59) What things do you always take with you? My purse, which is my treasure bag.
60) What did you want to be when you were a kid? A teacher.
61) What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11? Nothing. What should I do?
62) The color of your bedsheet? Lilac.
63) What do you think about before going to bed? As a child, I used to make myself fall asleep by telling myself fairytales. Nowadays, I think about the next day. Nothing too exciting.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that your family is a non-middle name family. My siblings and I don't have middle names either which always raises eyebrows with people.

Everyone ends up hating their name so why the torture? ; )


just bee

September 12, 2006 at 8:32 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

It is just not a French Canadian thing to do. Most of my friends don't have middle names. But yeah, I always get looks for it too from my English-speaking friends. I do have a long baptism name though but that is only on my birth certificate.

September 13, 2006 at 6:26 p.m.  

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