Friday, November 17, 2006

TV, Why Do You Make Me Sad?

I watch very few dramas and comedies on TV, and I now remember why. Dear God, I can't take the angst! On last night's episode of The Office, the Scranton and Stamford branches merged, and Michael is now in charge of them all so that means more friends for him, which makes him so happy! Ha! He even made a welcoming video called Lazy Scranton, based on the SNL clip Lazy Sunday. Hilarious. One of the new employees, Andy, played by Ed Helms of The Daily Show, is the ultimate suck-up, which gets oh so much under Dwight's skin. That was all great.

They are trying to kill me with the Pam and Jim relationship though. Pam was so happy to have Jim back in Scranton, because she finally broke up her engagement and seemed ready to start something with Jim. He was being distant most of the day (he got rejected by her before so it was understandable to be on his guard.) At the end of the episode, Jim announced to Pam he was dating someone else! Kill me. This is like the Mulder & Scully dynamic but at least 10 times worst. LOL The new girl in Jim's life, another employee from Stamford who got transferred with him, has no idea what went down with Pam so it should be fun when that blows out in the open.

Anyway, this made me so sad because:

1) A comedy shouldn't be bumming me out.
2) I can't believe I care enough about fictional characters to be feeling sad about their fate (they are NOT REAL!)
3) Seriously, I don't want them to hate each other. It is not fun to watch.
4) I don't think I can tolerate another Mulder/Scully or Ross/Rachel type of relationship again. Because, by the end, I didn't really care what happened to those 2 couples. It had dragged on so long that I wasn't too fond of them anymore.

Let's hope Jim and Pam make up sooner than later. Otherwise, I'll be weeping in my corner. LOL

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