Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My U2 Dream

I forgot to talk about my U2 dream in yesterday's post. I was watching TV Saturday night, and Sex and The City came on. It was the episode Great Sexpectations. As an aside, cheesy title but enjoyable episode because Miranda has a meltdown over her broken TiVo because it means she'll miss the episode of her favourite show where the main characters have a conversation after having finally slept together. Overinvolvement in the lives of fictional TV & movie characters, haven't we all been there? ;) Anyway, in that episode, Berger's & Carrie's sex life leaves to be desired (which leads Sam to put it very crudely "Dump him. Fuck me badly once, shame on you, fuck me badly twice, shame on me." LOL) but then miraculously improve, and Even Better Than The Real Thing is the song at the end of the episode.

After watching SATC, I flipped to Much More Music, and they were airing a VH1 special where a crew followed U2 before the release of their
latest album. They were filming clips and rehearsing for their concert tour. It was very interesting. I especially like when they filmed the clip for City of Blinding Lights, going through NYC on the back of a flatbed truck, singing. They had a lot of screaming girls in the street that day.
After seeing this all night, it must have seeped into my subconscious. So I had a dream that I was singing with U2. I'm pretty sure I had a similar dream with Billy Joel a few months ago. LOL In both of those dreams, I was not talking or wanting to interact with them. I just get to sing with them. Not even on stage, but in a rehearsal room somewhere. Basically, the band is playing, and I get to sing with Bono. I think he was on the guitar, and I was the only one singing at some point. Anyway, I just love those dreams! I always wake up so happy. It would be so amazingly cool if that ever happened! :)

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Blogger Gina said...

First of all, was that snark I detected in the us of TWOP link to TXF? :p

Secondly, remind me to post about my dream about Tom Cruise. lmao.

November 30, 2005 at 3:42 p.m.  

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