Friday, November 25, 2005

Belated Thanksgiving Wishes To My American Friends!

Happy belated Thanksgiving to my American friends. I hope you are all stuffed with turkey and pumpkin pie. Mmmmm. :) Plus, you get family time, which makes it even nicer. I can't wait to go home next month for Christmas! :)
Last night, I went to bed around 11:00, which is early for me, since I was just exhausted. Then, I woke up at 2 am because I was too hot and probably from tossing in my bed. I couldn't fall back asleep until 3:30. What the hell? I was totally confused/sleepy but I was unable to actually sleep. TV didn't even put me back to sleep, which is mind-boggling because it is usually a surefire way to slumber. This morning? I had all the trouble in the world to drag my sorry butt out of bed at 6:30 and clearly, I'm still tired and sleepy. Argh.
I come from a line of women with insomnia (both my mom & my grandma have always struggled with it), and I have had insomnia since I was a teen but it usually doesn't bother me too much. My usual problem is that I can't fall asleep. It is easy to deal with that. You continue to go about your day until you are exhausted. You read, you write, you watch TV, you keep yourself busy, and eventually, your body gets sleepy. I do resent, however, waking up in the middle of the night, after having been snuggled in bed for a few hours, and being unable to flip over and fall back asleep. I was just too confused to get anything accomplished, and it was making me mad that I couldn't sleep when I was so ridiculously tired.
I'm done ranting about not sleeping. LOL I have a busy weekend ahead. I need to finish an application to an internship, I have a bunch of stuff to prepare for my language class, and I have neglected my laundry and cleaning recently so I need to take time for that. Nevertheless, I'm also going to try to see Rent this weekend. I've been waiting for it since I saw the trailer this summer. :) Next week, I'm going to see Pride & Prejudice. (Eve, don't say a word! LOL) I still don't think it is going to be as good as the 1995 miniseries (I have a hard time thinking anyone can do it better and, you know, Colin Firth is Mr. Darcy!) but one of my guy friends who loves Keira Knightley asked if I would come along with him to see it. I suspect he thinks it is too girly for him to go see it by himself. LOL Anyway, I didn't mind tagging along but I have to go in there with an open mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gen, I totally loved the new P&P. Matthew Macfadyen is my new lust. If you look at both versions independently, you will love it too. The score is beautiful too. =D

November 26, 2005 at 1:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm seeing P&P in a couple of days as well. So far I've seen "Good Night & Good Luck" and "Rent"- loved them both.

Gen, I'm a longtime insomniac as well. I'm a huge fan of Valerian root; have you ever tried it?

November 26, 2005 at 10:30 a.m.  

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