Thursday, December 01, 2005

People Are Unreliable. I Hate People.

I was talking to Eve on the phone, and she said it was a nice sweeping generalization. LOL I also had some vulgar comments. Eve was surprised I had such a potty mouth on me. I usually don't but I'm very frustrated tonight because of people who are supposed to help me get my internship are not helping so I need to list everything that I hate to get it off my chest.
I hate:
- unreliable people
- people who live on their own timetable that everyone else around must rely on
- unions and strikes (I may soon be going on strike because of our delusional union)
- picketing outside in -30 weather (because that's the brilliance of striking in January!)
- having no money (because if I don't work as a TA, I don't get paid! I'm not exactly swimming in cash to start with! How exactly am I supposed to pay my rent?)
- people who think they are the only ones right.
- overly bossy people
- sneaky liars
- not very good, overpriced meals (like tonight's Xmas party. Not worth 20$!!!)
- rushing
- deadlines
- coming home to sleep and having to work instead because something unexpected got dropped in my lap (see unreliable people above)
- deadlines moved ahead (twice in 2 weeks, people!)
- people
- my life
I'll get over it. I usually love my life but right now... not so much. Damn you, graduate school! I work my butt off and still, you torture me! I realize this post is an ad for this but I'll try to expunge all the bad energy out of my body now.
I feel a bit better. That's something.


Blogger Gina said...

Oh sweetie, that post was more of an add for this.


December 1, 2005 at 11:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Gen. *hugs* :-( Sounds crappy. And I understand.

December 2, 2005 at 6:14 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Thank you, guys. I'm feeling better, thank God. :)

December 4, 2005 at 12:40 a.m.  

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