Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter, Everyone!

I need some serious Easter chocolate.
My roommate's mission this weekend is apparently to bitch at me. Things had been fairly good recently but she broke up with her boyfriend last week so clearly, I have to somehow suffer the consequences. That's the only reason I can think of why suddenly. she is all snippy.
Yesterday, it was a great diatribe regarding cleaning. Today, I was watching The Office DVDs (the British version) and having myself a giggle. (By the way, very funny show if you ever get the chance to see it.) She had to come into the living room, sit down to mark papers, and complain because I put down one crumpled Kleenex on the corner of the coffee table (to put in the trash after the episode). Her exact words: "Ewww, gross, ewwww. I can't believe you put that there. You can't do that. You have a Kleenex with boogers in it. That's disgusting. We put food on that table. If you were to ask 20 people, they'd all say the same. I'm not anal really. Ewww ewww ewww." First of all, it wasn't a snotty Kleenex or anything. Nothing on the outside. Two, couldn't she ask it in a normal manner, not the one employed by a 5-year-old. I never leave tissues around the house. I was sitting right there, and I was going to throw it out in 5 minutes because, yes, I couldn't get to the garbage can because I had my headphones on while watching TV not to disturb her. Oh, the tragedy.
I feel like leaving tissues everywhere around the house now. Yes, I am childish and evil. Why do you ask? Sadly, I am also peaceful and reasonable so I won't.

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Blogger hello jamie: said...

I really want to punch your roommate in the throat.

April 16, 2006 at 4:54 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Thank you, J.! You are forever my knight in shining armour (or something like that!) LOL

April 16, 2006 at 6:34 p.m.  
Blogger Bee said...

I can hold her while Jamie punches her.

April 20, 2006 at 3:37 p.m.  

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