Friday, July 01, 2005

Happy Birthday, Canada!

Canada is 138 years old today. Makes for a big cake with lots of candles. Yesterday, someone asked me if July 1st had a particular significance, and I just thought it had been picked arbitrarily as a day to celebrate the Confederation. It appears that, in fact, the British North America Act came into effect on July 1st, 1867, thereby making us a self-governing dominion operating under a type of constitution called a confederation (although, as I remember from high school history class, we are not technically exactly what a confederation should be.). We were still dependent upon Britain in many ways though, and although Britain's power over us diminished over time, our ties were not fully severed until 1982! In 1867, only 4 provinces joined the Confederation: Québec, Ontario, Nova Scotia & New Brunswick. Today, we have 10 provinces & 3 territories. Our first prime minister was John A. Macdonald, who is now also the face on the 10$ bill. Hee. Well, that's it for the history lesson for today!

In more personal news, one of my former roommates just got engaged! Thus, I'll be going to a wedding next summer! I keep hearing people getting engaged in the last few days, whether it be
Avril, Pink or friends of friends. I'm happy for all these people in love but I'm a bit sad I can't even get a date. The eternal "What is wrong with me?" dance has restarted in my mind. Then again, I do have potential as a cat lady so it will all work out in the end. ;)

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