Monday, July 04, 2005

I Was Stress-Free For a Full 48 Hours!

Incredible! Amazing! Out of this world! I had a pretty relaxing weekend. Watched a lot of TV, more than I wanted to but these things happen. I watched Live 8 yesterday, and then "Gone With The Wind" was on TV, and I had never seen it so I watched. It was a very good movie, and although it was long, I wouldn't have cut out much of it at all. Scarlett was annoying in her fickleness, and always longing for the things she couldn't have, but that was the point. The single most annoying character, however, was Prissy with her ridiculously high pitched voice, which would make Victoria Jackson (Alert: dated SNL reference!) sound like a bass. Oh, and Clark Gable was very charming as Rhett Butler.

Today, I rented "Shake Hands With The Devil", the documentary on Romeo Dallaire, the Canadian General who conducted the UN Mission in Rwanda in 1994. Such a tragic and disturbing story. Gave me shivers.

Well, we now come to the fact that I'm up at 3:30 am, all wired and stressed out. So what happened? Well, my roommate announced today she was moving out. This means I have the option of taking over the lease, which I think I will exercise because I am not moving for a third year in a row (!), but this means finding a new roommate. Thus, stress alert. Plus, it means reorganizing and readapting yet again to living with someone else. I mean, in some regards, I'm happy my roommate and I are parting ways but at the same time, it's such a pain in the butt. I thought I might have one year free from living-arrangement stress but clearly, it was not meant to be. I need to up use of relaxation techniques.

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