Monday, May 14, 2007

Oh Boys!

I called home yesterday to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day, and my brother was there so I chatted with him a bit. (Oh, by the way, my phone line was resurrected late yesterday afternoon.) So asking what was new in my brother's life, he said, "Oh there's this girl I've been on a few dates with." Nice, but I was sensing some kind of hesitation in his voice so being the big sister that I am, I probbed further. Well, turns out she is not quite broken up with her previous guy. Here is where I sigh in despair because this is not the first time my brother has done this to himself. He seems to have what I dubbed "the puppy dog complex". He falls for someone and follows them around. Last time, he was left with a broken heart for a long time because the girl did not in fact end up leaving her boyfriend despite months of promise to the contrary.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why he does this to himself. Now, I'm not an expert at relationships as my very pathetic love life will attest to. There is potentially something wrong with me for being unable to find and/or keep a boyfriend. LOL However, I do know that being single trumps dating someone who is still not quite broken up with their former partner. My brother says he won't wait around for months for her to break up, to which I said, "I hope not!". She might be a very lovely girl, but I am always a little suspicious of girls who don't think anything of dating two guys at once. It is just a really bad idea. Our parents have a very happy, very functional relationship so it is not like we are lacking a model for a good relationship. (In fact, I suspect that if my brother has mentioned this state of affairs to my mother, she probably shook her head and sighed in sadness!) I've always been protective of my brother so I just don't like the idea that a girl might mess around with his feelings, but I'll guess we'll see what happens.

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Blogger Gina said...

Hey, after listening to me for four years you will be the relationship Queen my dear. :)

So fun chatting the other night!

It's so hard, the girl might not be stringing your brother along, she may just be non-con like me, though that isn't much better. *snort*

You're a good sister. :) *hugs*

May 14, 2007 at 8:42 p.m.  

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