Saturday, September 03, 2005

Blogging For a Good Cause

Like most people, I've been glued to the news, and seeing all the devastation in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. I think the chaos & lawlessness in New Orleans following the flooding are really the most troubling things to witness. I really hope things get better now that engineers are fixing the levees. Considering levees are only built to withstand up to Category 3 hurricanes, it is surprising not more of it broke loose. Canada is trying to do its part by donating some money (Over a million dollars to the Red Cross so far! Go Canadians!) and sending some military personnel. Hopefully, this will help a bit. I wanted to donate to children who had to return to school but who had lost everything , and through TWoP, I found a great place called Donors Choose. Teachers will be able to submit proposals to fill the need for school material for children who have been displaced. You can give through TWoP here.
This seems to be the week for catastrophes. Thursday night, I stumbled upon a documentary about 9/11 on A&E called The Anatomy of September 11th. I only caught the second hour of it but it was fascinating and very touching. It left me with a knot in my stomach. It had many survivors telling their escape story as well as engineers explaining why the twin towers collapsed. It also had journalists and rescue workers explaining the failure in communication that occured that day between the various agencies on the ground. It will re-air on A&E on Wednesday, September 7 at 9am & 3 pm ET as well as Sunday, September 11 at 1:30pm ET. It is well worth watching, taping or TiVoing.

Today, I cooked extensively. I made a peach-blueberry crisp (yummy although not my best ever...) and oriental pork on a bed of fusillis. Yum. Tomorrow or Monday, I'll be making a big batch of my vegetarian chilli so I can freeze plenty of it for the busy semester ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe not the right time to crack a Canada joke, but...

you guys have military?? Is it just like just a guy on a horse?

OK, sorry. I've donated as well. Through the One Campaign. I donated to them earlier this year and they sent me 10 of the white ONE bracelets, lol, so I'm even sporting that now. Go, me.

I've stopped watching the news; it was giving me nightmares. I was in New Orleans about a week before. IN the Convention Center, ON Canal Street... and the fact that I was scheduled to spend most of Sept and Oct there as well... I really barely missed it.

I actually got a call from American Airlines today saying "hello, you can't fly to New Orleans next week." I was like, yeah. :-(

September 3, 2005 at 9:41 p.m.  

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