Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I've Got A Fever & The Only Prescription Is More Cowbell!

I've always enjoyed Christopher Walken's guest hosting appearances on Saturday Night Live. The cowbell skit, referred in the post's title, is one of the funniest things ever on SNL. It has been so popular t-shirts were made about it. Now, Mr. Walken has decided to join the 2008 presidential race. The mind, it boggles. He would be the. Creepiest. President. Ever. This could be a goldmine for TDS though so hee. Edited to add: After looking more into it, it appears to be a hoax. I can't believe I got fooled since I'm usually skeptical of these things but didn't take the time to research it on the Net like I usually do. Ah well, it was funny, regardless.

Talking about TDS, it was nice having Steve Carell back for an interview tonight. I was actually wondering if they were going to sit in silence for 5 or 6 minutes. LOL I'm happy to see his acting career is going so well because I find him positively hilarious. It's just too bad he's not on TDS anymore. Steve Carell & Stephen Colbert together were just so good together especially when they did "Even Stev/phens", their recurring segment where they would yell and insult each other to try to make a point on topics like religion or politics. It was a sort of parody of Crossfire and other ridiculous pundit shows. Colbert and Carell also made what is probably my favourite report ever. It was called "In The Spirit of Spring Break". It was a parody of those journalists who put themselves through stupid ordeals just to report on them. In the report, Stephen Colbert got Steve Carell drunk. Colbert was doing the moralizing throughout the piece, which was hilarious, while also trying to make Carell touch his eyeballs, and various other things that are not particularly funny unless you see them. The funniest part of it though is that I always thought Carell was just acting drunk. Unfortunately, he has mentioned in interview that he wanted to do it all the way, and
he paid for it dearly. He got sick in Stephen's car on the way home, and had one of the worst hangovers ever, all for the sake of fake journalism. Now, THAT is committment. LOL Wish that clip was still online but it isn't...

While googling to find the clip of "In The Spirit of Spring Break" was fruitless, I found
this instead. Awe. Jon looked so young and geeky. The hair. Hee. Craig Kilborn though is like a creepy Ken doll. He doesn't age, and still comes across as a sexist pig to this day. Yeah, never was a fan of Kilborn.


Blogger Gina said...

omg I lurve the hair- and he's so skinny. He makes me think of young geeky Mulder with the sexy-run-your-fingers-through hair too. LOL

August 16, 2005 at 10:07 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of the mock turtlenecks but Jon still looks good. Mmm. . .Jon. =D

August 16, 2005 at 12:38 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a link to the clip of Steve if you're still looking for it. Third post, first on the list.


January 10, 2006 at 2:34 a.m.  

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