Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Calm After the Storm. Literally.

I had a crazy, 180-degree kind of a day yesterday. I got up at 5 am, started working at home, then went to work, and didn't really stop until 5:30 pm. I had a very frustrating day overall what with issues with my supervisor, cranky coworkers,... Plus, the weather was awful. Really terrible. It was raining, thundering, lightening all day. One thunder bolt was right besides our window. Anyway, this induced such a foul mood in me.

Towards the end of the day, I talked with my boss a bit, since she had come down from her high horses, and it diffused some of the tension. I left to go home, and the rain had stopped! Before going home, I stopped by the library, and found interesting books. One of them was a historically-based novel written by one of my undergrad biology teachers! I loved that prof so that was very cool. Then, I found a Pilates mat like I wanted (I'm trying to motivate myself to get back to exercising regularly so I had planned on buying a proper mat!), and it was on sale! I then went to Starbucks and read for about 20 minutes while sipping a nice maple macchiato. Finally, I headed home, walking the 30-minute distance that separated from home amongst the fallen leaves, the cool air, and the stillness of the night. That was just so lovely. it made me so zen. I love that peaceful feeling so much. I wish I always felt like that.

Today is fairly quiet, and I'm currently sipping a latte (from this great little bistro a few buildings over) while writing a report. That's the life. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a good day, Gen... and the best part is that you were SO much more appreciative because your morning had been so crappy!

November 14, 2005 at 10:52 a.m.  

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