Tuesday, January 24, 2006

January 24: Most Depressing Day of The Year

I was watching the Colbert Report tonight, and they mentioned that a British psychologist calculated that January 24 is the most depressing day of the year. I am feeling so low-energy and blue these days that I have to say it makes sense intuitively. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is feeling like they would sleep all day and not move.
On the upside, I finished reading a very interesting book, Freakonomics. I'm certainly still skeptical of some of the arguments put forth in the book. He approaches problems as a economist and I approach mine with my psychology training. Hence, we don't necessarily conceptualize things the same way. I found he often tried to simplify answers that are multifactorial by the complexity of the problems. Furthermore, this book was made to be simple, and did not get into all the nuances that would have been interesting to debate. Nevertheless, it was a very interesting book that made me reflect about new problems and ideas, and I always love that. I highly recommend it.


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