Thursday, October 13, 2005

Questionnaire or How To Pace My Workday

I am still working on many writing endeavours (ethics submission, paper writing, internship applications, clinical readings), and there are totally kicking my butt. Thus, as an incentive, I write/read a section, I get to fill out a bit of a long, odd, and totally useless questionnaire passed on by Jamie. Check out that post if only for the picture of the 24-pound cat! I'll see you the fat cat, and raise you a crazy one.

Anyway, on with the show...

Piercings: I have had pierced ears since I was one.
Height: 5'2"
Shoe size: 7 1/2
Hair color: Medium brown
Hair length: Shoulder-length
Siblings: 1 younger brother

movie you rented: Curb Your Enthusiasm, Season 4, disc one a few weeks ago. Real movie? I think Team America: World Police, which I surprisingly didn't find very funny.
movie you bought: Moulin Rouge. I was given Gilmore Girls, season 4 more recently though.
song you listened to: Spark, Tori Amos
song that was stuck in your head: Wake Me Up When September Ends, Green Day
CD you listened to: Hang On Little Tomato, Pink Martini
Person you've called: My mom
Person that's called you: The Boy
TV show you've watched: Gilmore Girls from the aforementioned DVDs.
person you were thinking of: My diss supervisor (& no, ewww, it wasn't anything romantic or nice, for that matter. LOL)

you have a bf or gf: I'm dating the aforementioned Boy, yes. But I also always have my harmless TV/movie boyfriends, which are currently Jon Stewart, George Clooney, and Jason Bateman. ;) LOL
you have a crush on someone: Well, the Boy and I are beyond the crush thing, I guess.
you wish you could live somewhere else: Depends on the day. I sure miss living in my hometown though.
you think about suicide: Well, there are days where I wish I could disappear from the face of the Earth but that has more to do with magical powers than suicide!
you believe in on-line dating: Yep. :)
others find you attractive: It's not my main quality but I don't think I'm repulsive or butt ugly. LOL
you want more piercings: Not really.
you drink: Well, of course. Some good wine/beer/liquor. It's the good life, all in moderation, of course.
you do drugs: Nothing beyond caffeine.
you smoke: Nope. Seeing how my parents struggled with that, I had no interest in smoking.
you like cleaning: As my mom says: "Does anyone like cleaning?" Depends on my mood, I guess. I like living in a clean space though so it begs to be done. I'm particularly obsessive about a clean kitchen, and clean clothes.
you like roller coasters: Yes, but not the ones that flip you upside down a lot. This is where my stomach draws the line.
you write in cursive or print: Mostly cursive, I guess.
you carry a donor card: I usually do but that reminds me I forgot to deal with that when I switched health plan. Here is number 5802 thing to do.

using someone: Who can be for using others unless you have psychopathic tendencies? Against.
suicide: Again, with the weird questions! Against! Choosing death is rarely the answer to one's often temporary problems.
killing people: I'm against murder and capital punishment. Well, capital punishment would be okay only for serial murderers/offenders.
teenage smoking: Not a good idea.
driving drunk: These are so strange. Yes, I am for people risking everyone's lives on the road because they couldn't be bothered to take a cab. NOT.

food: basil chicken (mmm...Thai food!), quesadilla (mmm...Mexican food!), chocolate cake ('s food!), this awesome Wonton/tofu vegetarian soup-like meal from the Vegetarian restaurant where the Boy and I went the other day. Yum.
song: Right now, it is Carole King's Where You Lead.
thing to do: These days, sleeping is my favourite activity because I just don't seem to get enough of it.
thing to talk about: I'm pretty flexible. Food, TV shows, silly and/or obscure facts. I talk a lot about my stress these days.
sport: To watch? Tennis. To do? Weights and Pilates.
drinks: Non-alcoholic? Coffee, water, iced tea. Alcoholic? A glass of red wine, a Cosmopolitan or a Long Island Iced Tea.
clothes: Jeans, a light sweater, and my black blazer.
movies: Too many to name!
holiday: Christmas.
new nerdy saying: "WHAT-Ever." Not new but I've been saying that a lot lately.

ever cried over a guy/girl: Yes, although not as much as I have cried over school, which probably says something. LOL
ever lied to someone: Of course. Sometimes, lies are inevitable. I don't think I've ever lied about important things though.
ever been in a fist fight: No.
ever been arrested: No. Although wouldn't I look snazzy in handcuffs? LOL

of times you have had your heart broken? I don't think I've ever had my heart truly broken. I've been rejected at least twice where it did sting and hurt for a while.
of hearts you have broken? Two hearts for sure, two hearts I'm not quite sure. LOL
of people you would classify as true, could-trust-with-your-life type friends? Probably about 8.
of people you consider your enemies? Since I'm no James Bond, I don't have a nemesis. ;)
of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? It has appeared a few times in the school paper in high school, and in the local paper. But I'm not famous or anything.
of scars on your body? Two are visible to other people than me. I have other tiny scars that are pretty invisible but I remember what they are from the accidents I have had (a sharp knife that got away and a science class test tube accident!)
of things in your past that you regret: I would certainly have done some things differently but I can't think of many things that were truly traumatic in my life.

funny: I'm no Ms. One-Liners but I certainly laugh a lot, and I'm funny in a goofy kind of way. Plus, I live on sarcasm.
friendly: Yes. I'm a bit reserved but people do tend to talk to me.
loveable: I have my days. LOL
pessimistic: It is usually a fleeting attitude.
optimistic: I'm usually more optimistic than not even if I'm no Mary Sunshine.
caring: Yes, I'm always concerned about making sure everyone is alright.
sweet: I can be but sweetness is not what my friends would describe me as being. I'm a bit too edgy for that.
dorky: Yes. Big time.

Spell your first name backwards: sufood. :b
The story behind your user name: My graduate school research is all about the brain, hence the first part of the name. I came up with diva as a sarcastic way to describe my fairly drama-free existence. Plus, I'm pretty pragmatic and low-maintenance so diva, I ain't.
Where do you live? Toronto.

Wallet: Black leather with lots of pockets to put all my cards and knick knacks.
Hairbrush: Wooden handle with flat oval top with short flexible bristles.
Toothbrush: One of those Gum toothbrushes with a big handle. I'm getting an electric toothbrush though next week, compliments of my brother.
Jewelry worn daily: 3 rings: 2 paua rings in the left hand, and my high school graduation ring on the right hand. My silver watch. Silver rosebuds earrings I bought in Italy in 1997. I usually also wear one of my many necklaces.
Blanket: Pale green cotton-knitted blanket. Very warm.
Sunglasses: I have those clips-on (well, with a spring as opposed to clips) to go over my prescription glasses.
Shoes: Today? Brown leather with rounded toes and with a chunky heel. Looks good with my light brown corduroys. My favourite shoes though are my Skecher blue running shoes (for comfort) and my sexy red high heels (for feeling like a woman. ;)).
Handbag: I have many handbags I love but the one I currently use is a long black purse.
Favorite shirt: I have a lot of shirts and sweaters I love. My t-shirt with the most attitude is the one that says "All I Need Is The Fake News".
Hair: I like tying the front strands at the back with a hair clip. Keeps my hair all curly but keeps it out of my face. I can't stand having my hair in my face.
Make up: Most days: moisturizer, eyebrows' pencil, lip gloss. When I'm feeling fancy: foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, eyebrows' pencil, and lipstick.

WHO or WHAT...
In my mouth: Nothing. Just drinking from my water bottle every so often.
In my head: Work and intermittently, the Boy.
Wishing: I wish I could spend a day vegging in front of the TV without having to articulate any intelligent thought.
Talking to: Myself? LOL Everyone has left the office.
Eating: Nothing. I had a quesadilla and a salad earlier for lunch.
Person you wish you could see right now: My parents.
Is next to you: My desk. LOL A stack of papers.
Something you're looking forward to in this upcoming month: My brother's visit to TO.
Something that you are deathly afraid of? I'm not too keen on fire.
Do you like candles: Not so much. See previous answer. Plus, they burn out the oxygen and release CO2 in the room, which is not excellent for air quality.
Do you like incense: Not really since it is too overpowering. I do like that it reminds me of going to church as a child with my grandmother though.
Do you believe in love: Yes. I don't know how I couldn't.
Do you believe in soul mates: Not really. Although I do believe some people are better suited for us than others.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Nope.
Do you believe in forgiveness: Yes, very much.
What do you want done with your body when you die: I'm donating it to science or if I die really young and in good health, someone can have my organs.
Who is your worst enemy? Sugar? LOL
If you could have any animal for a pet: I lurve my cat as is.
What is the latest you've ever stayed up: Almost 48 hours up in a row.
Ever been to England? Not yet
Can you eat with chopsticks: Yep, and I love it
What are some of your favorite pig out foods? Chocolate and ice cream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be the last to know but, como se llama el "boy" del quien siempre habla? ; )


October 13, 2005 at 6:51 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Okay, my Spanish is very limited so are you asking who is this Boy I'm speaking of or what is his name? LOL I thought I had told you. I shall fill you in. He's named the same as Gina's significant other.

October 13, 2005 at 10:08 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally got here (what can I say, my connection is slow ;) and of course it's at an indecent hour. I’m taking a break between writing two fantastic queries for this absolutely amazing database that’s driving me completely nuts. My work is so fulfilling! Enough about me… I can’t believe this questionnaire! I didn’t know you had this much patience in you. I don’t think I would have gotten further than question 5 myself but I read all your answers. I guess that says I have more patience for you than I do for myself! And that’s despite talking to you very recently!
Love you, love your blog and I'll stop by again.

October 17, 2005 at 12:30 a.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

Evie!!! Yay! Well, it took me 3 days to fill out this questionnaire so the dedication to it was spread out. ;)

October 17, 2005 at 6:05 p.m.  

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