Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What a Crazy Day...

Life is just flying by these days... I have barely been home in the last few days. Today just felt chaotic. I would have needed to sit down to score tests and write a patient report but that did not happen a lot. Tomorrow should be quieter.
I now have to go to the library to pick up a book that finally arrived for me, and then, I have to go to a fancy dinner I would have as well skipped. It's really out of my way (1 hour out of my way to be exact) and all I want is to go home, read, and take a nap. Nevertheless, I have to go schmooze to put myself in the departmental director's good graces. He tracked me down yesterday to attend a bunch of events, and that was the only one that fit in my schedule so I'm stuck. Bah.
Plus, I'm still waiting for a reply on an important email regarding my dissertation data. I haven't and it's slowly killing me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you will have time off during the holidays, but think about all the great food you will eat, the family you will see, and the gifts that are coming your way in the next couple of months. The holidays are here!!!! That is what is keeping me sane =0

November 2, 2005 at 4:55 p.m.  

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