Thursday, October 27, 2005

Why Do I Slave In School...

when a fake diploma is so close at hand? LOL

I had this spam in my school inbox this afternoon... I find them bold emailing university students working away. LOL I'm in a very good and goofy mood today so I had to post what I'd like to reply to this person. My comments in green. ;)

"sick of making minimum wage [Yes!]
A Genuine College Degree in 2 Weeks [Wow, and here I thought it required to sit in class for more than 2 weeks to acquire what is it called again... Ah yes, knowledge!]
Have you ever thought that the only thing stopping you from a
a great job and better pay was a few letters behind your name? [Indeed because you can't spell "registered psychologist" without P, H, and D. ;)]
Well now you can get them.
BA-BSc-MA-MSc-MBA-PHD [Damn! If I had only known I wouldn't have spent 10 years in university to get the alphabet soup that follows my last name!]
-Within 2 weeks-
-No Study Required- [Knowledge by osmosis!]
-1oo% Verifiable-[Of course. Nothing like a diploma of the University of Nowheretown to inspire trust.]
These are real, genuine degrees that include Bachelors, Masters
and Doctorate degrees. They are verifiable and student records and
transcripts are also available. [You get a transcript for what exactly? You didn't go to school anywhere! You get 10 credits for slaving away for 5 years at McDs? It is a tough job but not exactly diploma-worthy.] This little known secret has been kept quiet for years. The opportunity exists due to a legal loophole allowing some established colleges to award degrees at their discretion.[I'm sure it does wonders for their reputation.] With all of the attention that this news has been generating, I wouldn't be surprised to see this loophole closed very soon. [Hopefully!]
You'll thank me later... Start making money TODAY [You'll probably be making money too, overcharging students without providing them anything but a meaningless piece of paper!] ...not years from now.
Call 1-206-350-7390 Now For More Information
Have a Good Day [Oh, I will. I'm actually happy to have to work for my diploma since I'll be competent when I finish. Imagine that!] "


Blogger Gina said...

You are such a goofball!


October 28, 2005 at 3:41 p.m.  

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