Sunday, July 10, 2005

Deep Thoughts on Another Silly Quiz

"What Disney Princess Are You?"

You love you family (what's left) dearly, and you're a bookworm. Get your head into the world darlin'.

Eh. I just like the idea that I am Belle because I always thought she was the coolest of the female Disney characters. She had more spine than the others. lol Disney has really sanitized fairytales. Originally, these stories were told orally to scare adults and children into behaving well. Not that I necessarily agree with that philosophy, seeing as children tend to be afraid of so many things as youngsters. Plus, of course, women were often demonized in those stories as they were in the literature in general. The women were the temptresses, the witches, the ones who would doom the soul of pure little children. Still, the stories served a purpose. Now, their main contribution is to selling movies, toys, stuffed dolls, t-shirts,... Plus, they project this idea that women need to be rescued by the men around them. We then spend our lives having to get those patterns out of our minds. There has got to be a way to tell fairytales that are empowering to children, especially girls. I realize that is a very feminist thing to say, but then again, there is
nothing wrong with that. I'm happy to try to make the world a little easier for the girls who will follow.
Books for older kids certainly portray many awesome girls but the fairytales, of the traditional kind anyway, seem to be lagging a bit in the feminist department. These magical tales should still be around since they are so much fun but could the girls sprout wings for once and fly on their own? I've got my first fairy tale right there...
"Camille and the Fairy Wings"
A long time ago, in a land far far away, lived a girl named Camille. Her parents were the King and the Queen of Terrabene, and the whole family lived in an enormous castle on the north side of the land. Camille could only see the dense Terrabene woods from her bedroom window. Camille would sit at her window for hours, wishing she was a bird who could fly over the forrest. She was sure the view from above would be breathtaking.
I need to get back to work. I shall continue the fairytale later on. :)

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Blogger Gina said...

Whee! A bedtime story. :)
*waits patiently for more*

July 10, 2005 at 7:18 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Ariel. Not accurate because they asked what color my hair is. She's the only redhead.

July 11, 2005 at 10:14 p.m.  

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