Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Brothers & Cats, Oh My.

My brother is passing through Toronto on his way to London so we are having dinner tonight. It will be so nice to see him. I really miss hanging out with him. He'll finally get to see my current apartment, and my cat (although briefly on the cat since he's allergic...).

Talking of the cat, she has been driving my roommate crazy. Apparently, when I was away overnight last weekend, the cat was a pest early in the morning. So now, my roommate has said I need to take the cat with me or send it somewhere else while I'm away for Xmas vacations. She doesn't want to deal with the cat. I really don't know what I'm going to do. I can't take the kitty with me to Montreal because of my brother's allergies. Plus, I am not too keen on taking the cat out of her usual environment by dumping her on someone else or, worse, having to put her in a kennel-type place for 2 weeks. Not only is that expensive but 2 weeks in a cage will really be a last resort. I would cut short my vacations before doing that.

Anyway, hopefully, the roommie will simmer down, and change her mind. She's been so bitchy and whiny these last few days. She keeps on saying she is overworked. Yes, she is very busy but basically she works 3 days/week teaching (certainly there is a lot of prep and marking beyond those 3 days but still...) and she does some research writing. It's not exactly an unreasonable workload or more than what I have to put up with. She says she worked all weekend but she was out for a good chunk of it going to dinners and stuff. I'm having a little difficulty for empathy. Plus, the first words out of her mouth when I got up this morning were to complain about the fact I had left a bag of trash by the door last night, and forgotten to take it downstairs. And yes, good morning to you too, bitch. Actually, instead of taking it out, she even put it in my bedroom! How juvenile. I apologized because, yes, I should have taken care of it since the apt door is close to her room and it can disrupt her. But I came home at midnight and fell asleep on the couch. Hence, I forgot to take it out. It's not like I leave trash bags by the apt door on a regular basis. She was bitching it was all smelly, which honestly, it really wasn't. Anyway, I could do without this bitchy behaviour. Ugh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She left the trash by your DOOR?!?!? Jeez Louise! She's not your sister for goshsakes. Leave girl, leave! = 0

October 19, 2005 at 1:47 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That TO-tally reminds me of this one time, in college, I had this HORRID roommate. My other, cool roommate's mom had sent me a green bean casserole back with her, because she knew I loved it, and I was baking it, and then suddenly it was time for class and it was still cooking. Since the casserole dish was hot, I couldn't put it in the fridge, so I put it in the microwave, rather than letting it sit on the stove. When I came home from class, IT WAS ON MY BED. I am so not kidding. It was ON MY BED. Even though ther refrigerator was RIGHT BESIDE the microwave, and she could have just put it there, she marched it all the way across the (albeit tiny) apartment to my bedroom, and didn't even set it on the desk. MY BED. Ugh. *shudders*

She sounds really difficult, Gen. I don't know what to tell you about the other stuff, but I must say I agree with her that you need to do something with the cat over the holidays, being a non-cat lover who has lived with unwanted cats before (and I would have said it MUCH nicer, I'm sure). For one thing you don't want Portia's care to be in her hands. For another it is unfair to ask her to take care of your beloved for 2 whole weeks. What about The Boy or a another friend?

October 19, 2005 at 2:14 p.m.  
Blogger Gina said...

Gen is much too accomadating to her, imo. She's a crazy biyatch. LOL

October 19, 2005 at 2:21 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is she like Chandler's carazy roomate, Eddie?! LOL!

October 19, 2005 at 3:19 p.m.  
Blogger Brain Diva said...

She is not crazy but she has a majorly bitchy gene in her, that's for sure. And she is way whiny about anything that disrupts her a little in any way.

Jamie, I hear you about the cat. My problem is not so much that I mind leaving it in the care of someone else (the cat is pretty low maintenance but I can see why she doesn't want to deal with it). The problem is that I need to physically relocate the cat somewhere else. Cats do not take lightly to being put in a strange environment with people they don't know, and I don't know if she will freak out. I would certainly bring her home with me if I could. This is just causing me the extra stress of solving yet another situation. There aren't exactly a lot of people I feel comfy asking to catsit for me. Anyway, I'll have to figure something out...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with horrid roommate stories.

October 19, 2005 at 9:20 p.m.  

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